Tuesday, June 7, 2011

person that i love the most...

hahah... why keep on talking 'bout love? its a norm of life.. :) no love no live... isn't it? here is the story, what will you feel when a siblings (sister or brother) of yours tell that s/he didn't love you? hahahaha... okay, for me it is fine.... as long as i love that person.... bukan nak tunjuk baik or what.. but sometime, 'that person' tak pernah faham pun... susah nak tunjuk yang kita sayang semua orang.... mesti nak kata kita pentingkan boyfriend/ girlfriend dpd family... hahha..actually that person tau apa?? what have i done?? masa dia enjoy, we all tak pernah pun nak bising-bising, now what? dia nak bagitau dia banyak pengalaman? or cinta dahulu dah tak semanis yang dulu? then go away.. find someone else, jangan bila badmood siblings jadi mangsa.. that what you mean that 'you really care? you really love?'..... yes, for sometimes i bet you actually good in all that you have done, yet you tak pernah tau what actually i've done... me as a child masih sedar who i am, who am i to my father, who am i to my mother. don't worry, i'll do my best. i if you really even didn't love me, its ok by the way...

i am loving you!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

time to make over..

heheh.. now, i'm exploring you tube how to make over myself and my kakak.. =) actually today is uncle gorge's engagement.. excited for nothing la i am now.. huahuahua.... 1st time by the way.. recently.. i've make over my sister for TWO times.. hahah.. hebat isn't it... i like to see the colorful at her mata... but when it is applied to myself its look like a witch.. horrible.. then, i make up my mind just to apply a light color.. not need too bright.. unless i work as clown part timer.. =P here...some of my good good good jobs~! well done me! haha
wasn't my sista look pretty?? my hand-making actually... kahkah... then another one..

susah nya nak ubah..

hahah.. actually susah nak edit html kat blog ni..esp for the new user like me.. ..
its a life... nak berubah bukan senang bila kita sedia ada mcm tu... emm hard for understand.. but once u step in this kind of situation then u will know.. hehe...
by the way... tak salah berubah untuk kebaikan.. orang nak kata kita tunjuk baik ke.. tunjuk ape.. its up to them.. them all is nothing compared to the Only One (Allah SWT).. the one yang tahu niat and everything that hamba-hamba Nya buat.....
don't give up to make ur day...better than yesterday... ^_^